This brat can totally suck the life out of his mom and he sure makes his mother boil. His head is hard as a rock and so is his mom's. And yes, we do have some "passion" in our house at times; the doors are banging and the volume rises. The boy packs his bag and says that he'll move to dad's place. At the same time mother would love to take a one-way ticket to South America.
But he can be so lovely. When I come home, he gives me a hug and in the evening asks for gentle petting. In the morning he remembers to wish a good day at work to mommy. Yin&yang?
(in the pic the boy is 6 yrs, now an 8-year-old)
keskiviikko 18. tammikuuta 2017
Äidin ja pojan yin&yang
maanantai 16. tammikuuta 2017
Tervetuloa mukaan!
Olen aloittanut blogin jo ainakin nääääin monta kertaa, mutta kirjoittaminen tuppaa jäämään kiireen keskellä, eikä runosuonikaan syki väsyneenä. Rakastan kirjoittamista, olen aina rakastanut ja nyt aion taas palata blogin pariin. Ilman sen kummempia tavoitteita, kevyin mielin :)
Lämpimästi tervetuloa mukaan!
I've started writing a blog for many times, but life always gets in the way. And when you're tired, writing doesn't come so naturally. The flow is missing. I love writing, I've always loved it and now I'm determined to get back into it again. Without any goals or pressure :)
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